
People v. M.W. Case #s CD282794 & C405291:  Prosecuted for (1) Carrying a Concealed Weapon, (Ca Penal Code sec. 25400(a) (2) (Fel); (2) Receiving Large Capacity Firearms Magazine, (Penal Code sec. 32310(a)) ((Fel); (3) Unregistered Owner Carrying Loaded Firearm in Vehicle, Penal Code sec. 25850(c )(6) (Fel); (4) Driver of Vehicle Carrying / allowing others to carry, Firearm in Vehicle, (Penal Code ses. 26100) 2 Possession of FA .  (5) Later arrested for Felony Evading Law Enforcement, (Penal Code sec. 2800.2) and (6)on a later date for misdemeanor Vandalism (Ca Penal Code sec. 594(a)(b)(2) & (7) drug possession, (Ca Health & Safety Code sec. 11377(a)  Disposition:  We got prosecution (SD Co. District Attorney) to agree to run all cases together and grant only 2 years probation, NO JAIL time!


People v. K. K. Case # CE380698: (1) In 2018: , Charged with 7th lifetime DUI as felony, Sentenced to custody on the last 2 DUIs, 6 mth & 16 months respectively. This eans each subsequent DUI get MORE time in custody.  Disposition: Plea Done, but we reversed the course!  Result Plead to DUI, No Custody probation, Can get license back after 3 yr suspension. Can obtain RDL in 6 mths. (Usually is a min. of 2 years. Initial offer was 4 years and lifetime DL suspension) (2) In 2020-21: Client violated Probation… was able to keep client out of custody after a short stay in incarceration.


People v. H.K. Booking #: 20919609: No Court Case # b/c we prevented court action. (1) Domestic Violence, PC 273.5; Misdemeanor Domestic Violence, (PC243)(e) ; and  (2) Misdemeanor Vandalism (PC 594 (a) (2)(A) – Disposition on 05-13-20, Disposition: We were able to argue and convince prosecution (SD Co. District Attorney) prevent prosecution after pre-file / pre-complaint filing legal memorandum and mitigation package litigation


T. v. Sharp HC. Case #: 37-2015-00037004-CU-MM-CTL: To show my versatility, I can win in Civil Court also against the smartest creatures, Insurance company lawyers and investigators representing doctors. This was a medical malpractice case that many attorneys didn’t think was a winner: Won: $500.000.00


People v. R.W. Case # CE388378: Incident 1: (1) Felony Willful Cruelty to Child,  (2 Counts), (Penal Code sec  273a (b);  Incident 2:  (1) Felony Vandalism over $400 (Penal Code sec  594(a) (b)(1); (2) Misdemeanor Battery (Penal Code sec  242, misdemeanor);Incident 3: (1) Felony Robbery 2nd Degree (2 Counts) (PC 211) (F); (2) Force/Assault Deadly Weapon other than Firearm-(a vehicle) with Great Bodily Injury (2 Counts), (Penal Code sec. 245 (a) (1)) Disposition: a felony use of auto as deadly weapon. Client rammed into another person breaking bones. Prosecutors initially wanted to charge attempted Murder. We were able to avoid these charges, and work a plea for only 5 years, with good time he will be out in around 4 years, probably less with prison programs he can use. Also. no driver’s license suspension!! Good job. a guys life can be picked back up after 3-4 years instead on 20 years.


Case: Pled in 2019, final plea in 2021: People v. S. P. Case # SCD281713: Felony DUI with spine injury to “victim” (Vehicle Code Sec. 23153(a) and 23153 (b)) – Disposition: Did plea for Misdemeanor DUI, after 6 mths of no same & similar offenses and completion of agreed upon terms, we got  no custody

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