
CA DMV v. J.A.: A DMV administrative hearing for a clear DUI.  DISPOSITION: After evidentiary hearing the DMV case was set-aside, (Dismissed!)


People v. M.M.: He had a DUI his 5th with very, very, high BAC. Case is still ongoing, but at our first test we defeated the prosecution on the Issue of ‘Scram’ (release condition).


People v. F.G. A very serious DUI with high BAC.  Disposition: after extensive litigation and filing a 1538.5 motion the DUI as 23152(b) was dismissed.


People v. F.A. Felony DUI with Very Serious Injuries. Disposition: After litigation we were aqble to obtain work furlough instead of actual custody.


People v. Youngblood: Case #: C413803. Youngblood had a DUI with an accident, usually a felony DUI. In addition her BAC was in the elevated realm of .154. Disposition: Reckless Driving (wet)


People v. Andrews: CN434260,  Mr. Andrews had a DUI with very high BAC of .23, 3.5 times over the legal limit. Disposition: After extensive litigation, we did a Helmondollar procedure and the measurable amount of alcohol type DUI part of case was dismissed. As for the DUI under the ‘(a)’ count, it was reduced to Reckless Driving!


People v. Thakuri: Case Number C409464 Mr. Thakuri had two (2)  DUIS. One (1) first in the State of Nebraska and then one (1) in California. DUIs are priorable so this made his Cal DUI his second, requiring an 18-month DUI program and a fine of almost $3000. DISPOSITION: After extensive litigation ‘Reckless Driving’ (wet). which has no driver’s license suspension and a fine of $1100.

People v. Solomon, (Case No. CE412679), Felony case: CCW in Vehicle, Penal Code section 25400 (a); (4) Possession Undetectable Firearm, (Ghost Gun) Penal Code section 24610; (5) Carrying a Loaded Firearm in Public Place, Penal Code section 25800(a).AND a DUI. Disposition: By litigation we were able to Pled to DUI only, and it as a misdemeanor only.

People v. Guevarra, (Case No. CS320478DV), Felony: Thisis a Assault, Criminal Threats and Fasle Imprisonment felony. where our client first criminally threatened his gilfriend and her date and falsely imprisoned them before he assaulted them with a knife. Then, he used the same knife to slash all 4 of his girlfriend’s tires.  Disposition: Through litigation we got the case reduced to a misdemeanor with only unsupervised probation after he paid restitution ($988.) for the tires he destroyed.


People v. Rivera (Case No. CE407838), Felony: a rape/sodomy of a unconscious person case. Disposition: Through litigation, we were able to get probation of 2 years.  What a plea for a “rape” case

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