
People v. M.G. No Court Case #. Didn’t get to court because we prevented court action. DA # not issued: No Charges! Client was arrested for (1) Felony Child Abuse: Corporal Punishment of Minor (Ca Penal Code sec. 273d); and  (2) Felony Child Abuse: Inflicting Great Bodily Injury on Minor (Ca Penal Code sec. 273a). Disposition: We were able to argue and convince prosecution (SD Co. District Attorney) prevent charges after pre-complaint litigation by legal memorandum, mitigation packet and discussion.


People v. V.H.: Case #s J74543: Client conducted her life for years under the shadow of these not serious but charges but, because they had arrest warrants attached, they required she avoid law enforcement. She shuddered every time she saw law enforcement personnel. Then, she hired me. Charges were: (1) Driving on a Suspended Driver’s License, (VC 14601.1(a); (2) Failure to provide evidence of Financial Responsibility, (VC 16028(a); (3)  Failure to Appear after Written Promise for Vehicle Code Offense, (VC 40508(a)). Disposition: Case Dismissed per Penal Code sec. 1385, i.e., in the Interest of Justice;


People v. J.A. Case # CD278829: this 17 year old boy was being prosecuted for (1) Felony Vandalism, i.e., maliciously destroys  any real or personal property not his or her own, (Ca Penal Code sec. PC 594 (a)(b)(1)) and (2) Felony Robbery, intentionally and forcefully taking property not his own with intent f keeping it forever, (Ca Penal Code sec. PC 211). His father, an employee of the San Diego City Attorney criminal division works in the court as a clerical supervisor for clerical staff of the City Attorneys (misdemeanor prosecutors). He was i the court building with we attorneys 3-4 times a week, every week. He knows of all well known criminal defense attorneys. He knew me enough to speak to.  But, he needed an attorney for his 17 year old only son, his pride and joy, he chose me, Ernest Lee Sr. I delivered:          Disposition: Case dismissed by court after extensive litigation, motions, argument and trial prep. This young many is now in college!


People v. J. O.  San Diego PD #: 19355075542: No Court Case # because we prevented court action: Arrested for Felony Domestic Violence, i.e., willfully inflicting corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition upon boyfriend (Ca. Penal Code sec. 273.5(a) ) Disposition:  We were able to prevent prosecution by filing legal memorandum, mitigation packets and discussion with San Diego District Attorney.


In Matter of Paen:   No Court Case # because we prevented court action: Investigation for prosecution by SDPD (San Diego Police Dept.)  and CPS (Child Protective Services, now Child Welfare Services) for child sexual abuse of a child for years against step-daughter. He had resided with her since she was 7-8 years old after he married her mother.  Later he got her pregnant, and they had a child together. Alleged victim is now 23 years old and has moved away from client, who is still with client’s mother. She reported abuse to CWS. Disposition: No Charges! We were able to prevent prosecution after analyzing the claims of the youth and then developing a strategic defense, advice to client, and some discussion with law enforcement and through them, CWS, who will not speak to attorneys. Client has NO requirements.


People v. D. M. Case # M262589:  Prosecuted for solicitation sexual act for money, (Prostitution) Penal Code sec. 647(b)(1) Disposition: Case Dismissed after extensive litigation. Client only has to do an w/ anti-prostitution cnline course. Also, (I hope) my counseling has taken her out of this life. I originally represented her in 2017 as a 18 year old for drug possession so I knew her.


People v. J.B. Prosecuted for misdemeanor Vandalism, i.e., maliciously damages or destroys real or personal property not his or her own.(Penal Code sec. 594(a)(b)(2)) Disposition: Case dismissed after extensive litigation. Client has no fine or restitution.


People v. B.E. Case No. CS310333: (1) Felony Assault with Deadly Weapon, (a vehicle) not a Firearm, with Assault likely to Cause Great Bodily Injury, includes a lifetime driver’s license revocation; and  (2) Felony Vandalism, (Penal Code sec. 594(a)(b)(1) & (3) Restitution claimed: of $3000 Disposition: Plea done:  Result: Misdemeanor Vandalism, Restitution $529; w/ lowest fine possible ($426), summary probation (no probation officer), NO DL suspension, No public work service, no Anger Management Program!


People v. B.C. Case # CN415483: Client was prosecuted for Felony Drug Smuggling across the border from Mexico. Usually a 3-10 + years sentence, depending on client’s record. Charges: (1) Transportation of Controlled substance, (Methamphetamine) Health & Safety Code sec. 11379(a); and (2) Possession of Controlled substance, (Methamphetamine) Health & Safety Code sec. 11378, and (3) with an Allegation Effect of 10+ years because the Methamphetamine was over 10 kgs in weight, (Health & Safety Code sec. 11370.4(b)(3)) Disposition: Plea done: Result: Time served : 5 mths in custody. Would have been no custody if he could have made bail. Since he couldn’t make bail, we used his time in jail awaiting for trial to his benefit.


People v. A.R. City Attorney (Prosecutor) Case # 1476528: No Court Case No. because we prevented court action:  Client was an Officer in the Military, (U.S. Marine Corp.), charged with, (1) Felony Domestic Violence, i.e., willfully inflicts corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition upon his spouse, (Ca Penal Code sec. 273.5); and (2) Felony Child Abuse, i.e.,  willfully causes or permits any child to suffer, or inflicts thereon unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering or inflict thereon unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering,  (Ca Penal Code sec. PC 273.a). Would have ended his career as an officer in USMC. Disposition: No Charges! We convinced Prosecution, (SD Co. District Attorney) to not prosecute by use of pre-prosecution legal memorandum, mitigation packet and discussion. We saved his military career.

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